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Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
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This repository contains material from the data engineering lab for data science.
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This repo contains a LaTeX template for bachelor's/master's thesis.
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Kurs Repo zum Wahlpflichtfach Datenvisualisierung & Visual Analytics
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This repo holds an analysis project in which we analyze the data traces that customers leave in a skiing resort. The data are based on the timestamps and IDs that are recorded by card readers (called point of entry or POE in this repo).
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This repo contains a latex template for master exposes.
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Lukas Demetz / Advent of Code 2020
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Repo contains some ideas for the object detection class at Bernard Ing
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In diesem Repo sammeln wir alle Unterlagen und Materialien für das Machine Learning Lab (SS21).
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Implements a simply scouting pipeline for audio signal processing and ts motif detection
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Sara Gehrmann / Smart Mirror App
MIT LicenseDSIA SE 2 Projekt zur Entwicklung einer Applikation mit Gesichtserkennung.